
Wellbeing Week at Work: How to make it a Success

wellbeing week

Wellbeing Week – Introduction

Wellbeing Week is a dedicated week focused on providing employees with activities, resources, and tools to improve their overall wellness. From yoga classes, to nutrition seminars, to mindfulness workshops, Wellbeing Week empowers employees to prioritise their health and work-life balance. Studies show that companies who invest in wellbeing programs experience increased engagement, productivity and retention. By participating in Wellbeing Week, employees can reduce stress, improve focus, and feel more motivated at work.

What is Wellbeing Week?

Companies set aside a full week, usually annually, to provide their workforce with various activities, resources, and tools all aimed at supporting better wellness.

The goal of Wellbeing Week is to emphasise the importance of self-care, mental health, nutrition, physical health, and overall employee satisfaction. It provides a concentrated period where wellness is the priority and employees are encouraged to partake in the programming.

Companies use Wellbeing Week to promote long-term healthy habits in an engaging way by offering new experiences, opportunities to reset routines, inspirational speakers, and more. With a full week dedicated to wellness, it allows adequate time to learn new skills, take a pause from daily stressors, and focus on personal health goals. The immersive experience aims to inspire employees to carry self-care behaviors beyond just one week.

Wellbeing Week demonstrates that leadership cares about supporting workers beyond just their job performance. It shows that the company values their people as human beings with their own health and happiness goals. The week brings employees together through shared experiences and reinforces a culture of wellbeing.

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Benefits of Wellbeing Week

Implementing a wellness week can have numerous benefits for your organisation and employees. By focusing time and resources into employee health and wellness, you can see improvements in:

  • Morale – Giving employees dedicated time for activities like yoga, massages, and healthy snacks shows you care about their wellbeing. This boosts morale as employees feel valued.
  • Stress Management – With wellness activities and education, employees can improve focus, energy levels, and stress management.
  • Engagement – Surveys show employees want wellness offerings from employers.
  • Health – A week of wellness activities promotes healthier habits. Employees learn new ways to exercise, eat right, meditate and more. This pays off in better long-term health.
  • Team Building – Cooking demos, fitness classes and seminars bring employees together. Camaraderie is built as they participate in activities and share wellness journeys.

Focusing on wellbeing for one week positively impacts employees year-round. They feel energised and supported to do their best work in a healthy, caring environment.

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Wellbeing Week Ideas

A variety of different activities can help make your company’s Wellbeing Week a success. From yoga and meditation to massage and nutrition advice, here are some easy to implement ideas:

  • Yoga & Meditation: Provide space and instruction for yoga, meditation, and mindfulness sessions. This can help employees destress, increase focus, and find inner calm.
  • Massage Therapy: Chair or table massages offered by licensed massage therapists is a popular wellbeing activity. Massage helps relieve muscle tension, pain, and stress.
  • Healthy Cooking Classes: Bring in a nutritionist to demonstrate healthy, delicious recipes employees can make at home. Educate your team on nutrition and fueling their bodies.
  • Office Ergonomics: Have experts conduct office ergonomics audits to ensure employees have proper setups. Provide guidance on desk stretches and exercises for physical wellbeing.
  • Biometric Screenings: Offer onsite screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol and more. Use a health fair format and provide follow-up counselling.
  • Lunch & Learns: Over the lunch hour, bring in experts for talks on wellbeing topics like sleep, mental health, work-life balance, and more.
Wellbeing Services & Mental Health at Work

Planning Your Week

Planning a successful Wellbeing Week takes thought and preparation. Here are some tips for organising, scheduling, promoting, and executing your company’s Wellbeing Week:

Set Goals

  • Decide what you want to achieve. Do you want to boost morale? Reduce stress? Promote healthy habits? Having clear goals will help guide your planning.

Get Buy-In

  • Get managers and executives on board early. Their support is crucial for participation, resources, and promotion. Present the benefits of Wellbeing Week for employees and the company.

Form a Committee

  • Recruit enthusiastic volunteers from different departments and levels to help plan. This builds engagement and ensures activities appeal to all.

Pick a Theme

  • A fun, engaging theme unifies activities and gets people excited. Wellness, resilience, mindfulness, or 80s throwback are examples.

Schedule Thoughtfully

  • Avoid busy times and stagger events throughout the week. Allow flexibility for different schedules. Half-day and lunchtime activities work for many.

Promote Creatively

  • Hype your Wellbeing Week through posters, emails, contests, countdowns, etc. Feature activities prominently on your intranet. Encourage managers to promote.

Offer Variety

  • Appeal to diverse interests with a mix of activities like yoga, nature walks, sports, crafts, pet therapy, massages, and more. Have some department-specific activities too.

Track Participation

  • Use sign-up sheets, badges or other methods to drive engagement. Consider rewards for participation.

Solicit Feedback

  • Survey employees afterwards to improve future Wellbeing Weeks. Consider forming a wellness committee for year-round initiatives.

With thoughtful preparation and promotion, your Wellbeing Week can be informative, uplifting and build community among employees.

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Wellbeing Week Activities

The Wellbeing Week is the perfect time to get creative and plan activities that support employee health and happiness. Here are some fun and engaging activities to consider including:

  • Morning meditation or yoga sessions – Start the day off right by offering a short guided meditation, breathing exercises, or beginner yoga class. This helps employees center themselves and relieve stress before diving into work.
  • Healthy lunch – Have employees bring in their favourite healthy dishes to share or offer healthy options on the menu. This is a fun way to try new foods and swap recipes. You can even have awards for the most creative or nutritious dish.
  • Afternoon walk breaks – Schedule short 10-15 minute outdoor walking breaks in the afternoon to re-energise employees and get them moving. Consider creating walking routes nearby.
  • Chair massages – Bring in massage therapists to provide short 5-10 minute chair massages. This allows employees to relax and unwind during the workday.
  • Smoothie or juice bar – Offer a build-your-own smoothie or fresh juice bar one day. This provides a nutrient boost and satisfies sweet cravings in a healthy way.
  • Chair Yoga or stretching classes – Yoga and stretching classes allow employees to work on flexibility and posture. They’re great for releasing muscle tension and stress as well.
  • Health screenings – Provide health screenings like blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. This raises awareness around key markers and encourages proactive health management.
  • Lunch and learns on wellness topics – Host talks by nutritionists, personal trainers, sleep experts and more.
  • Office olympics or activity challenges – Get competitive with fun office activity challenges. See who can take the most steps, do the most pushups, win the office olympics, etc. Great for team building!

The key is offering a diverse mix of activities that will appeal to all employees. Wellbeing Week is the perfect time to get creative, have fun, and promote holistic health across your organisation.

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Getting Employee Buy-In

Getting employees genuinely excited about and engaged in Wellbeing Week is crucial to its success. Some strategies to encourage participation include:

  • Make participation voluntary. Forcing people to participate can backfire and make them resent the activities. Highlight the benefits and make it appealing.
  • Get leadership on board to lead by example. If managers and executives visibly take part, it motivates others.
  • Tie activities to company values. Frame Wellbeing Week as living the values of health, balance, community etc.
  • Promote it positively. Avoid framing it as remedying problems. Present it as enhancing wellness.
  • Offer incentives like gift cards or extra time off for participating. Small rewards can go a long way.
  • Schedule activities during work hours. Make it easy to take part without sacrificing personal time.
  • Gather input from employees on activities they’d like. Giving them a voice boosts interest.
  • Share success stories. Internal social proof of others enjoying the activities is powerful.
  • Communicate frequently leading up to it. The more info employees get, the more likely they’ll participate.
  • Make activities social and collaborative. People are more likely to take part together.
  • Ensure all levels and roles can participate equally. No employee should feel left out.

With the right approach, most employees will be genuinely excited about Wellbeing Week activities and see it as a valuable company offering for their health and happiness.

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Wellbeing Week Success Stories

Wellbeing Week has helped many companies boost employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity. Here are some success stories:

“Everyone loved taking a break from their usual routine to focus on self-care and recharging. Participation was really high for all the activities. It brought our team closer together and people keep talking about how much fun it was months later.” – Lucy, HR

By integrating Wellbeing in Your Office’s services into their Wellbeing Week like chair massages, standing desks trials, and healthy catered lunches, the company created an impactful week their employees won’t forget.

A Midlands based company

A company based in the Midlands (UK) has made Wellbeing Week an annual tradition for the past few years.

“We get such great feedback after Wellbeing Week. Our employees really look forward to it every year as a chance to de-stress and focus on their health. It’s the highlight of our workplace calendar!” Anna, Wellbeing Lead

They partnered with us to provide guided meditation sessions, chair yoga and resilience training, and live cooking sessions to power their Wellbeing Week. Their employees especially love the mid-day chair yoga and stretching classes to re-energise.

Manufacturing Company

As a busy manufacturing company used Wellbeing Week to remind their employees to take a break and refocus on self-care.

“Our team works so hard to meet tight deadlines, they forget to prioritise their health. Wellbeing Week encouraged everyone to recharge their batteries with relaxation zones, walking challenges, and mental health talks. People came back energised and ready to dive back into work.” – Sarah, Wellness Manager

The company discovered Wellbeing in Your Office’s wide range of wellbeing services perfectly supported their Wellbeing Week goals, from providing relaxing sessions to delivering live cooking classes. Their employees can’t wait until the next Wellbeing Week!

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Wellbeing week can provide many benefits for companies and employees when done right. Here are some of the key takeaways:

  • Wellbeing week is a designated week focused on providing activities and services to improve employee health, happiness, and engagement. It’s a strategic investment in human capital.
  • There are many benefits to wellbeing week including reduced stress and burnout, increased productivity and focus, improved company culture and morale, lower healthcare costs, and more.
  • Wellbeing in Your Office provides a variety of services to help plan and execute a successful wellbeing week such as yoga, meditation, fitness challenges, healthy food options, ergonomic assessments, mental health resources, and more.
  • Planning ahead is crucial, including getting buy-in from leadership, scheduling activities, promoting the event, and measuring success. Activities should appeal to diverse interests.
  • Wellbeing week should leave employees feeling cared for, refreshed, motivated, and excited about the company’s investment in their wellbeing. The impact can last well beyond the designated week.
  • Every company can benefit from a wellbeing week if done thoughtfully. Use these tips to start planning one today.

Start Planning Your Wellbeing Week Today!

Wellbeing week can provide immense benefits for your employees and workplace culture. Don’t wait – start planning your company’s wellbeing week today!

The first step is to contact the wellbeing experts at WellbeingInYourOffice.com. Their team can help you craft a customised wellbeing week packed with activities and services tailored to your company’s needs.

Some of the key services they offer include:

  • Health assessments and biometric screenings
  • Chair massages
  • Yoga and meditation classes
  • Healthy eating workshops
  • Stress management seminars
  • Team building activities
  • Ergonomic office evaluations
  • And much more!

We will make it easy by handling all the event planning, communication, and logistics. All you need to do is collaborate with us on the details and schedule.

Don’t delay – contact us today to learn more and get a customised proposal for your company’s upcoming wellbeing week. Investing in your employees’ health and wellness pays dividends through increased productivity, engagement, and satisfaction.

Gosia Federowicz - Co-Founder of Wellbeing in Your Office. First Aid for mental Health and Workplace Wellbeing. Digital Wellbeing. Free mental health posters.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended for general knowledge and educational purposes only. It should not be construed as professional health, legal, or business advice. Readers should always consult with appropriate health professionals, human resource experts, or legal advisors for specific concerns related to mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information at the time of publication, Wellbeing In Your Office cannot be held responsible for any subsequent changes, updates, or revisions of the aforementioned content.

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